The composition of the Scientific Council astronomical observatory
Vladimir Efimenko (Chair) PhD, director of Astronomical Observatory
Luk’yanyk Igor (deputy chairman) PhD., Head of the sector of astrometry and small bodies of the Solar system, Deputy director
Zhdanov Valeriy Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Head. department of astrophysics
Rosenbush Vira Doctor of Sciences, Leading Researcher
Parnovskyy Sergey Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Department of Astrophysics
Lozytsky Vsevolod Doctor of Sciences, Department of Astrophysics
Ivchenko Vasiliy Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of astonomy and Space Physics
Hnatyk Bohdan Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Department of Astrophysics
Mozgova Alena chairman of Trade Union Bureau Astronomical Observatory